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Munay-Ki eighth initiation: Star Keeper's Rite

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

This initiation awakens in us the understanding of our possible future. It is the consciousness of a person who does not only look at the future from a distance, but also actively participates in changes. It helps us to anchor ourselves in the future in order to overcome the times of great change in which we find ourselves at the moment. This demanding initiation opens the door to conscious participation in the evolution of humanity.

All of humanity must pass through the eye of a needle to emerge on the other side transformed. We can only take our essence with us. This initiation helps us to be as close as possible to the eye of the storm where it is calmest, instead of being on its edges where the most destructive winds blow. Through this initiation we step outside of linear time, and install ourselves in the future, 10,000 years into the future so that we can weather the storm and successfully pass through the tests and trials. The sages understood that we are made of Stars. This initiation awakens the Star nature in us, helps us to free ourselves from time and to inform ourselves about what we are becoming in the distant future. This energy permeates our entire energy field, and grows an entirely new physical body that heals, ages and dies differently. Through this initiation, we become guardians of the human journey, not only of our personal journey, but also the collective journey of all humanity. We become the source, the seed of human possibilities and that new golden age whose dawn is about to come. To achieve this, we need to start from ourselves. To embody peace so that they can spread it through all of humanity. Through this initiation we become bearers of peace and beauty in our lives because we are close to the source, close to the eye of the storm. Through this initiation we learn how to inform our body and decisions with what is yet to come from the future instead of our genes or epigenetics.

The Star Keeper's initiation opens us to mystery, to magic, to all that which words cannot explain, and which can only be experienced and embodied on an essential level. The seed of this initiation grows with time. It is important to allow it to grow organically without rushing. Only through inaction can we gain access to high frequencies. In this way, we can achieve a good balance between action and inaction. We open ourselves to information in silence, listen to the mystery, listen to the future. And then we act accordingly. We slow down to be able to hear, to be present in the magic and then to be able to share it. Through this initiation we bring the medicine of the Star Keepers down from the Heavens through our body into the Earth to create a new destiny for all of humanity. We are downloading the codes of the Stars, the codes of the future for the new humanity. And not just metaphorically, but literally. We re-inform our whole body, all the energy centers, the whole energy body, the way we connect with Spirit, how we perceive, how we speak, how we love, how we choose, how we connect and how we walk the Earth. The light that we bring into our body and through our body in this initiation re-informs the entire energy matrix of our body - physical and energetic. We become that dream by embodying it. And so let's dream big. To become the ones we've been waiting for.

Read more about the ninth Munay-Ki initiation: the Creator's Rite here.

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