Free PROMO Workshop of Munay-Ki and Initiation of Healers | Online
Sun, Jan 22
|Online workshop
Receive the initiations of ancient traditions to become a Guardian of the Earth. Awaken your love, wisdom and inner strength to be able to dream and manifest the creation of a new world. Learn to create in harmony with the Spirit. Embark on your own Munay-Ki journey in 10 transformative steps.

Vrijeme & Lokacija
Jan 22, 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Online workshop
O programu
Free PROMO introductory workshop of Munay-Ki and the first initiation of the Healer
28.10.2022. 19:00 - 21:00 (Friday)
Location: Online
What you get by participating in this experiential workshop:
· More information about the ancient body of ceremonies and ancient shamanic initiations that you can experience through the Munay-Ki seminar
· Information on the implementation and logistics of program maintenance
· Space to ask all the questions that interest you about the program or individual initiations
· The opportunity to participate in the ceremony and receive the first initiation of the Healer (who wants, you can always change your mind during the workshop)
The Healer Initiation connects us to an ancient lineage of light healers who assist us in our personal transformation, being a healing power that affects everything we touch. To be of help to others, we must learn from our own experience how to transform our wounds into sources of wisdom and compassion. This line accompanies us on our own healing journey towards harmony and well-being.
The Munay-Ki experiential learning seminar in Croatia is led by Marcela Velfl, who went through her own Munay-Ki journey for practitioners through The Four Winds Society. She was initiated into Munay-Ki through teachers Alberto Villold and Marcela Lobos, and offers participation in the Munay-Ki program as complementary to all life philosophies, beliefs and choices.
Read more about the Munay-Ki program at:
And you can read more about each initiation on the blog:
Why am I offering this workshop and ceremony to receive the Healer initiation for free?
Through my own deeply transformative experience, I came to many insights for myself personally, but also to even more insights about the entire life around me that I want to pass on. One of the insights is that the sooner we as individuals venture on our own journey of healing, the sooner we will transform as a society that creates reality from a position of love, vision and action instead of from the position of our personal wounds and the wounds of our ancestors and from the paradigm of man's separation from nature. The Initiation of the Healer launches us on an unimaginable journey of transformation. This ceremony is my gift and contribution to the healing of Mother Earth, humanity, communities, families and individuals.
Everyone who has received this initiation can receive it again because each time we are informed by a new layer of medicine from these ancient lines of men and women healers from the past and the future.
Receiving this initiation does not oblige anyone to continue with other initiations unless they feel an inner call.
By applying to participate in this program, you consent to the company BEYOND, obrt za servce, owner Marcela Velfl to process your personal data in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals in connection with the processing of personal data and the Act on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection (Official Gazette 42/18), and for the purpose of organizing and conducting educational _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_activities and programs.