Munay-Ki invites us to become Earth Keepers and to create the reality we want to leave to generations to come, with a clear vision, an open heart and the ability to manifest for mutual benefit.

Own Epic Journey
Munay-Ki initiations are initiations which empower us to find our own path, no matter the path, to align ourselves with the Spirit, and to open up to our own experience of living the life to the fullest with consequently informs our decisions and choices.
Munay-Ki initiations are not based on specific theory or beliefs, and they are complementary to all the existing practices, philosophies and beliefs. Although they are based on shamanic initiatory practices of Andean, Amazonian and Peruvian shamans, they don't require of us to follow the Munay-Ki path. They return us to our own center of power and wisdom.
Some of the questions anyone can ask themselves before starting own Munay-Ki journey:
Am I ready to become what I long for?
Am I ready to answer the call of my soul, the call of the spirit?
Am I ready to embody my medicine and live an authentic life?
Do I hear the whispering of the Earth and the voice of the mountains?
Do I feel my heart beating in harmony with Mother Earth’s beats?
"Many are pulled, but few are chosen. Chosen are those who respond to the call", Alberto Villoldo
Munay-Ki - a goal or a journey?
Munay-Ki initiations transform and upgrade our light energy field and physical body. They are energy transmissions that heal the wounds of our past, our genetic and karmic heritage, as well as inherited programs and beliefs. They re-inform our DNA, which allows us to grow a “new body” that ages, heals and dies in a different way. They include 10 initiations through which we become a person of wisdom and authentic power.
Initiations are passed from teacher to student in the form of an energy seed. Once you receive them through a teacher or a mentor, it is up to you how you will take care of them, how you will grow them into fruit-bearing plants. These initiations are also the seeds for the evolution of humanity.
Through Munay-Ki we awaken our physical nature, we realize that we too are natural, like water, fire, minerals and that we are humus, earth. We connect with nature and realize that we are actually living in paradise all the time - in the Garden that feeds and nourishes us when we put ourselves in the service of all living beings and live in harmony and reciprocity. This Garden is not there for us to use and profit from, but to create abundance together with all living beings, to be equally good to all.
We also awaken our infinite and divine nature which is interconnected with our physical nature. We realize that we carry within us all the light and wisdom we need to stop living a life full of pain and suffering and to become the creators of the world we long for, for our children's children.
Return to the Source
Once we return to our center, to our infinite nature, we cease to be consumers of other people's truths, content, beliefs, methods of healing and all that our society profits from. Everything we need is already in us, we just need to discover it and start living without fear.
Once we transform our wounds and tragic stories from our personal past and the past of our ancestors into sources of wisdom, we become sources of light in our communities. It is a path that only the courageous embark on when they feel that the time has come, when they feel a call from the depths of their souls and when we hear the call from the Spirit to put ourselves in the service. We can try to resist that call, which often leads to an even greater personal crisis - emotional and health.
These initiations are at their core actually about serving life. They are not ego rewards or any kind of reward for achievement, nor do they make anyone special. On the contrary, they make everyone uniquely unimportant. Then, from the position of the non-ego, we can truly be in service and live our true nature and accomplish our mission. To be able to do this, we need to remember our gift and the medicine that we as individuals can practice and offer to our communities, nations, and humanity.
To transform these beautiful ideas and concepts into action, initiations enable us to embody practices that help us act in alignment, and to manifest a different reality, a different dream. For the benefit of everyone and everything - people, animals, plants, stones, water, earth, air.
So, how does it "work"?
We begin the Munay-Ki journey with an initiation that connects us to the lineages of ancient healers who join us on our own healing journey, to be able to transform everything we touch. The lineage of healers guides and supports us to heal our wounds and turn them into sources of wisdom and power.
Other initiations connect us with the primordial forces of nature - archetypes that we "install" in our body and that help us:
to release everything we do not need from our lives;
to face death and to see beyond it and beyond ourselves, and to walk through life without fear;
to say yes to our own epic journey and learn how to be still while in motion, and how to drink only the sweetest nectar of life;
to learn to fly wing-to-wing with the Spirit and recognize the best opportunities for ourselves from great height
Once those archetypes get "installed" in our body, each acts in its own way and brings us the lessons we need to purify and align ourselves. Then we can live authentically and with integrity.
We also "install" bands of power in our energy body which function as protection belts woven with elements that filter everything in our environment as well as our personal toxic emotions. Then we become more available for life because the emotional waste of other people does not enter our field. Also when we establish a connection between the heart and the third eye, we are more able to look at the world with compassion and recognize the subtle energies of everything that is happening around us.
Each new initiation connects us with more ancient lineages- Day Keepers, Wisdom Keepers, Earth Keepers, Star Keepers, with the source of all creation and the lineage of women who have freed themselves from pain and suffering. Each of these lineages allows us to expand our consciousness from our little ego, to the community, to other states and other people, to the entire planet, all the way to the stars and the source itself. Each lineage activates something else in us, that which is truly "ours", and all the lineages together ignite the flame of love in our heart, love for life, love for everyone and everything that exists. Everyone who goes through Munay-Ki will have a unique experience through which they will be shown exactly what is necessary for them given their gifts to humanity and their mission and calling.
Are you ready to live an extraordinary live?