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Munay-Ki seminar in 10 steps | ONLINE | open applications

Sun, May 05


Munay-Ki seminar

Receive the initiations of ancient traditions to become a Guardian of the Earth. Awaken your love, wisdom and inner strength to be able to dream and manifest the creation of a new world. Learn to create in harmony with the Spirit. Embark on your own epic journey of 10 transformative steps.

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Munay-Ki seminar in 10 steps | ONLINE | open applications
Munay-Ki seminar in 10 steps | ONLINE | open applications

Vrijeme & Lokacija

May 05, 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

Munay-Ki seminar


O programu

Welcome to Munay-Ki!

You are one step closer to your own epic journey where ancient lines from the past and future support you, whisper through the wind and guide you in your own transformation process. 

The Munay-Ki program of initiations and ceremonies includes participation in 10 ceremoniesthrough which participants receive 10 initiations to become persons of wisdom and authentic power. Munay-Ki initiationstransform and upgrade oursthe light energy field and the physical body. They are energy transmissions that heal past wounds, our genetic and karmic heritage, as well as inherited programs and beliefs. They re-inform our DNA, which allows us to grow a "new body" that ages, heals and dies in a different way.

Initiations are transferred from teacher to student in the form of energy seeds.Once we receive them, it is up to us how we   take care of them, how we grow them into fruit-bearing plants. These initiations are at the same time the seeds for the evolution of humanity.

At their core, these initiations are really about service to life.They are not ego awards or any kind of achievement award, nor do they make anyone special. Quite the opposite, they make everyone uniquely irrelevant. Then, from a position of non-ego, we can truly be of service and live our true nature and achieve our mission.

The Munay-Ki initiation and ceremony program is 99% experientialwith minimal information. Everyone is informed and guided by their own experience. When we receive the seed of each initiation into our body,   we further nurture it to germinate, grow and bear fruit, and those fruits   which are the most useful for us and our community. would become sources of light and agents of change.

With every initiationwe expand our consciousnessfrom his small ego, to the community, to other countries and other people, to the entire planet and all the way to the stars.

The goal of Munay-Ki is NOTto become members of some  other culture, nor to be initiated into the practices of a particular line of ancestors  or a tradition to which we do not belong by birth. Munay-Ki is complementary   with all traditions, beliefs and existing practices.

The goal of Munay-Ki IS to be exactly who we are, where  we are, only more aware and to begin to feel the whisper of the Earth, the voice  of the mountains, nature and everything around us, because we are nature.

More about Munay-Ki and individual initiations:


We arrange meetings step by step, according to our own pace.

I send the connection link after registration and payment according to the offer. The average duration of each meeting / ceremony is 2 hours.

The advantage of meeting online is that everyone creates their own space for participation, to be comfortable and adapted to their own needs. The action is the same as live. 

It is possible to hold some meetings live by agreement. 

I recommend connecting via a computer or laptop and a good internet connection.


The entire Munay-Ki seminar consists of 10 experiential ceremonies, the last 10 of which are free

The price of the entire seminar is 4500 HRK / 599 EUR, which can be paid in full or in three installments of 1500 HRK / 199 EUR for the duration of the seminar (every 3 steps).

It is also possible to pay for each individual step / ceremony if you do not want to commit to the whole seminar at once. The price of each individual meeting is 550 HRK / 75 EUR

By paying the first installment or the entire amount, you confirm your participation.

On the Munay-Ki journey, some unexpected things sometimes appear, so it is possible that someone will need a break after some of the initiations, and that is perfectly fine. It is possible to continue when the time is right, or ask for a refund for part of the ceremonies where participation is not possible.

What do you get?

Mentoring and support through all 10 steps (or however far you decide to go) 10 experiential ceremonies through which initiations are received (20-30 hours of work in total) Instructions for preparation before each meeting Practices to nurture, feed and develop each initiation Tools for further work and development on your own epic journey An opportunity for a profoundly transformative journey on all levels of your being


By applying to participate in this program, you consent to the company  BEYOND, obrt za servce, owner Marcela Velfl to process your personal  data in accordance with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European  Parliament and Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals in connection with  the processing of personal data and the Law on the Implementation of the General Regulation on the Protection of _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_data (NN 42/18), for the purpose of organizing and implementing educational  activities and programs.

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