There is a lineage of women who freed themselves from pain and suffering, and stepped into beauty, power and dignity. They want us to remember that the Womb is not a place to store fear and pain, Womb is to create and give birth to life.
The Rite of the Womb is a part of the Munay-Ki programme of initiations and it is possible to participate in it independently from others. It is implemented in form of a ceremony through which we hold space for women to step into an ancient lineage of women who want us to remember who we came here to be and what we came here to do.
This ceremony serves for each individual participant as well as for all women in our lives - mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, colleagues, and Mother Earth.
Once you receive this initiation it is recommended to nurture it for the upcoming 13 lunar months.
It is possible to participate in the ceremony multiple times and receive the initiation again and again, as long as there is a need for it.
All women can receive this initiation - with a cycle, without it, in menopause, without a womb, as well as girls who haven't got their period yet. This initiation came through Marcela Lobos from the Four Winds Society as a part of the Munay-Ki practitioners' training.
Men are also welcome to participate in the ceremony although they cannot receive the initiation or pass it on. Men also arrive thorough a womb of their Mother, and are held by the Womb of the Mother Earth. They witness the process and hold space for healing pain and suffering women have been carrying for so long to be able to give birth to a new life. Men put themselves in the service of women with their presence, in the service of life.
What does it mean to become a part of the lineage of women who freed themselves from pain and suffering?
Through the Rite of the Womb we receive a seed into our wombs from the women who freed themselves from pain and suffering. When we nurture that initiation, we release pain ans suffering from our wombs - physical and emotion, until our womb becomes a clean vessel for creating and giving birth to new life.
This initiation doesn't make anyone special, or better than others. We don't become members of some elite group of people. On the contrary. We become uniquely unimportant.
We become a part of the lineage of women who said goodbye to the role of the one who is suffering, and who is a victim, who said goodbye to the need to complain or talk behind other women's backs and diminish their value.
We become a part of the lineage of women who respect themselves and other women around them, as well as men whose strength helps them to pave the way of giving birth to a new world together.
We take responsibility for everything we carry in our thoughts, in our hearts and in our wombs - all beliefs, thoughts, stories, choices that cause us pain, sadness, anger and fear.
We let go of everything that is no longer necessary to make space for embracing freedom, joy, compassion and peace.
By receiving and passing on this initiation we also contribute to healing the feminine principle in our communities as well as the relationship with the Mother Earth.
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